

My name is Graham and I am delighted to share some of my story with you.

At the age of 76 in many ways I find my first venture into publishing a book - Justice and War Crimes - a little daunting.

I was persuaded to write about my ten years as the Deputy Prosecutor of the UN International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) at the urging and encouragement of family, friends, former colleagues, the international media and students of international humanitarian law who shared the journey with me.

About Me

Who Is Graham Blewitt?

I am a retired NSW Magistrate and live in Sydney, Australia with my wife. I have three wonderful adult children and four equally remarkable grandchildren. I regard myself as being blessed and have enjoyed an incredible life.
Why You Should Read My Book

Justice and War Crimes

The issue of Justice and War Crimes is extremely relevant today in light of President Putin’s illegal and aggressive invasion of Ukraine. On a daily basis the world is witnessing extensive war crimes and crimes against humanity being committed on a widespread and systematic scale.

The story of my time at the ICTY is unique. I believe I’m a humble person but there is truth in being able to claim that I singlehandedly designed and established the Tribunal’s Office of the Prosecutor. As a result I was able to deliver a fully functioning and operational office to the first Prosecutor, Richard Goldstone from South Africa. Thereafter I was able to provide seamless continuity to the following two Prosecutors, Louise Arbour from Canada and Carla Del Ponte from Switzerland. Many of the revelations in the book, which covers the first ten years of the Tribunal’s remarkable journey, have never been told before.

My entire legal career has left me with one main philosophy in life:

all victims deserve justice.

To that end, I am committed to seeing international criminal law reach a level where any political or military leader throughout the world is not immune from being prosecuted if they are responsible for genocide, war crimes, or crimes against humanity. This is irrespective of whether they are from the most powerful country on the planet, or the least developed country. They must be brought before a legitimate court – either international or national – to face justice.

Australia has a part to play in achieving this goal by establishing a permanent dedicated war crimes investigation unit. This is long overdue and is an outcome I have been advocating since at least 1993.

Geoffrey Robertson KC, the well known human rights lawyer, has written an insightful and thought provoking Foreword to my book, for which I am extremely grateful.

I hope you find Justice and War Crimes and my story interesting and informative.

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Justice And War Crimes


What They Say

Ready for Justice.


The book written by the former Deputy Chief Prosecutor of the ICTY is an incredibly important record of absolutely unique value. The way Graham Blewitt ably led the establishment of the ICTY/OTP out of nothing, with much scepticism on both sides of the Atlantic, and many cynical obstacles both externally and internally within the UN, and with much effort by many different significant players to undermine the establishment and the operation of the new institution, is a testimony to his professionalism, tenacity, profound integrity and humanity. This record has no comparable example to my knowledge.

The legal and operational challenges of this new UN institution are described with incredible detail and of course with a lot of very personal touches, through the lens of an experienced legal professional who embarked on a journey which had no comparative example since the end of the Second World War. The whole saga about the Sisyphean efforts by Graham Blewitt, with others including the first three Chief Prosecutors, together with ICTY colleagues, to obtain the arrest of the first and then all ICTY indicted persons, confronted with all the obstacles on this path and all the lies and misleading promises the Office of the Prosecutor had to withstand, is of tremendous value and importance as an historical record. Some really thought the ICTY would fail and some thought no one, or no one significant, would be arrested.

Despite all obstacles, the operational machinery, professionalism and consistency Graham Blewitt, together with his colleagues had set up within the Office of the Prosecutor, worked during his tenure and long after he had to leave. All surviving persons indicted by the ICTY were arrested or surrendered. This was a 100% success ratio. An unparalleled outcome! And a great testament to his fundamental contribution.

Anton Nikiforov

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

An Essential

An Essential Read In “Justice and War Crimes,” Graham Blewitt delivers a comprehensive and masterly penned account of the intricacies, developments, and chronicles of the Hague war crimes tribunal.

The book’s detail-oriented nature discloses facts and figures you would not stumble upon elsewhere, as well as personal insights on Goldstone, Arbour, and a thoroughly interesting review of Carla Del Ponte’s reign in chapter four.

Blewitt’s commendable writing style deserves mention. His ability to convey complex ideas and sequences of events with phenomenal clarity and coherence makes this book accessible to all, regardless of their prior knowledge of the subject.

Graham’s book makes a unique contribution to the understanding of the Hague war crimes tribunal. This feature makes it a must-read for those seeking insights into international law, peace enforcement ramifications, and human rights.

“Justice and War Crimes” by Graham Blewitt is an important piece of literature and documentation in war crimes and international justice studies and undoubtedly makes this book an essential reference tool in this field; an excellent read!

James Luko

A former colleague from the Tribunal

A tremendous

Graham Blewitt has done a tremendous service to, and for, the international criminal justice community and many others, in setting out a detailed, comprehensive and fast-reading account of the ICTY’s first ten years. 

It is especially noteworthy in setting out, once again, the ICTY Office of the Prosecutor’s successful efforts in the face of very substantial doubts and questions to the contrary.   Despite its many challenges, the ICTY has been and was a fully successful venture. 

Thank you Graham for this important contribution.  

Ken Scott

former ICTY OTP Senior Trial Attorney

Thank You

“Graham, thank you for what you did. You have changed the world.”


Shane Cunnane

Systems Development Unit, ICTY, Office of the Prosecutor 1995 - 2007

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Consectetuer ut sit fames consectetur massa natoque eu bibendum velit ultrices. Per eu laoreet sit et pharetra nostra senectus consequat adipiscing sollicitudin. Mollis ante sit nulla molestie aptent. Lectus pharetra sapien si maecenas platea.

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